Whether you’re dealing with unwanted facial or body hair, or you’re simply tired of the repetitive daily task of shaving, waxing, or plucking, laser hair removal offers a safe, effective, long-term cosmetic solution. At Kalia Dermatology and Laser Center in Los Gatos, California, we have helped countless patients from communities throughout the San Francisco Bay area get rid of unwanted hair for good.
Safe, effective, and virtually painless, laser hair removal is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures in the United States today. The advanced technology works by delivering laser generated heat through short-pulse durations directly into active-growth hair follicles. Once there, it’s absorbed by the pigment of the follicle, which puts it out of action so it can no longer produce hair. Kalia physicians use Palomar Vectus laser technology, which is the fastest and most effective hair removal technology available.
Kalia Dermatology offers the best laser hair removal technology on the market, the Palomar Vectus. The Palomar Vectus Laser for hair removal is considered the fastest and most effective of it’s kind. Our Aesthetic Nurses have extensive experience administering this treatment. But don't take our word for it, please do your own research and do an internet search for Palomar Vectus Hair Removal. You will find that this is the premiere technology for permanent hair removal. Do not be discouraged by stories of hair removal that doesn't work using ineffective technologies.
We typically see up to a 90% reduction of hair regrowth after a series of 5 treatments. A permanent alternative compared to the temporary methods of shaving and waxing. Eliminate stubble and ingrown hairs. You may choose to undergo laser hair removal treatments because you don’t want to devote another minute to tweezing, waxing, shaving, or bleaching unwanted hair, but the procedure comes with a few secondary benefits, as well. It can leave your skin looking noticeably smoother and silkier, and it may also give you a more uniform complexion at the treatment site.
Virtually any body area can be treated with minimal discomfort for men and women. Laser hair removal is just as effective for small areas as it is for larger areas. Most patients seek laser hair removal treatment to get rid of hair from the upper lip, chin, face, neck, bikini area, legs, chest, back, and shoulders.
The laser technology targets pigmentation in the hair follicle which destroys the follicle in the anagen growth phase.
The Palomar Vectus laser has the only FDA-approved Skintel™ Melanin Reader™, which helps ensure a safe and effective setting for any skin type. Clinicians at Kalia will first measure your skin with the Skintel Reader to help ensure the optimal results.
They then will hold your skin gently taut as they systematically pass the laser over the area, spot-by-spot, as it emits quick pulses.
The procedure can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or longer, depending on the size of the area you’re treating.
Kalia patients typically see up to a 90% reduction in hair growth after a series of five laser hair removal treatments. Multiple treatments are required because hair grows in cycles, and the laser only affects active-growth hair follicles; dormant hair follicles are unaffected. After completing a full treatment cycle, patients generally stay hair-free for years. When hair does regrow, it tends to be lighter and sparser.
*Individual Results May Vary
With the vast number of cosmetic procedures available to you, let us help you select the ones that are best for you. We offer cosmetic consultations to help you look your very best. Call (408) 356-1000 to schedule your consultation or request an appointment.
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