Silhouette InstaLift Sutures

Gravity may keep you grounded, but it isn’t a friend to your aging skin. If you’re starting to see jowls, wrinkles, and other drooping facial features with age, our board certified dermatologists at Kaila Dermatology & Laser Center in Los Gatos California, can lift your skin and rejuvenate your whole appearance with a Silhouette InstaLift™ face-lift. To consult with our physicians about the Silhouette InstaLift and decide if it’s right for you, call Kaila Dermatology & Laser Center or request an appointment online today.

Who Will Benefit From The Silhouette InstaLift Procedure?

Patients who don't want to have a surgical face-lift procedure can enjoy many of the same benefits from a Silhouette InstaLift. The procedure is minimally invasive and doesn't require heavy anesthesia. Patients who have a difficult time with anesthesia can rely on this technique to provide positive results without the need to endure a lengthier, more traumatic procedure.

Many patients choose Silhouette InstaLift over traditional face-lifts because they can be performed in office, and the recovery time is minimal. During a Silhouette InstaLift, your physician places biomaterial sutures beneath your skin to suspend your facial tissues and promote collagen growth.

Patients who want immediate results from their facial rejuvenation procedure and fewer side effects are the best candidates for the Silhouette InstaLift procedure.

When Should a Silhouette InstaLift Procedure Be Avoided?

A Silhouette Instalift procedure is beneficial for many patients but may pose difficulties for others. Diabetics who have difficulty healing after certain types of procedures should discuss all of their options before undergoing a Silhouette Instalift procedure. This is also true for patients who have problems with local anesthetics or other medications that may be used during the procedure.

The Silhouette InstaLift procedure is designed to lift the middle area of the face. If a patient desires a full face-lift that includes the forehead, around the eyes, and the neck, the Silhouette InstaLift will not provide the desired results. Kalia physicians thoroughly evaluate the patient's health and goals and helps them make an informed choice about whether or not to have the procedure.

What is the Recovery Time for a Silhouette InstaLift Procedure?

The recovery time for a Silhouette InstaLift procedure is minimal in comparison to surgical face-lift procedures. The procedure itself takes anywhere from 30-45 minutes to perform, and you’re able to resume your day-to-day activities within 1-2 days.

After your InstaLift treatment, we recommend that you go home and rest for the remainder of the day. It is also important to eat soft food and keep facial expressions to a minimum.

The procedure may produce minimal swelling and discomfort for the first few days of recovery. We recommend that patients who have a Silhouette InstaLift avoid opening their mouth widely for at least one weeks. This allows the threads time to settle and the healing process to begin.

To discuss the Silhouette InstaLift and decide if it’s right for you, call Kaila Dermatology & Laser Center or request an appointment online today.

Silhouette Instalift on Suncoast View

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