The TheraClearX acne therapy system is an in-office treatment featuring gentle vacuum technology combined with the delivery of broadband UVB light for the treatment of mild to moderate acne, including comedonal (blackheads and whiteheads), pustular and inflammatory acne vulgaris.
Although acne is often thought of as a teenage problem, many of us continue to have blemishes for many years beyond. Stress, heredity, and hormonal fluctuations contribute to acne flares. Deeper acne bumps and cysts can result in prolonged redness and pitted scarring. Untreated acne can result in permanent scarring. A combination of customized home-care products and in-office treatments can improve the texture of your skin and eliminate breakouts. More severe acne can benefit from oral medications that are prescribed by a dermatologist. While there is no cure for acne, our extensive team of specialists can help keep your acne under control and minimize breakouts.
Persistent acne can seem like a tidal wave problem, meaning just as pimples and bumps are finally clearing up, new ones begin to emerge. But allowing the condition to run its course isn’t usually the best idea, because it can lead to permanent skin flaws, including dark spots and scarring. There are a variety of effective therapies available, and the earlier you start treatment, the lower your risk of lasting physical damage. Using a combination of customized prescription skincare products and in-office treatments can improve the texture of your skin and reduce breakouts. If you have more severe acne, one of our physicians may recommend oral medication. Although acne can’t be cured, it can be minimized and kept under control.
Over the course of 4-6 treatments scheduled 1-2 weeks apart, the TheraClearX Acne Therapy System offers a dual benefit.
• Extraction
The gentle vacuum technology helps loosen and extract bacteria and unwanted material from your pores.
• Destroys Bacteria
The broadband UVB light can then be successfully delivered to help destroy acne causing bacteria.
With the vast number of cosmetic procedures available to you, let us help you select the ones that are best for you. We offer cosmetic consultations to help you look your very best. Call (408) 356-1000 to schedule your consultation or request an appointment.
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